Great Alaskan Fish & Seafood Co.

Salmon, Chum


Chum salmon flesh is a lighter color than the other salmon

fat content

Low fat content for a salmon. Not as fatty as the other salmon species but oilier than whitefish such as halibut, or lingcod.


Mild to medium flavor, which can be a good introductory salmon for those new to the dish or who prefer a less intense salmon taste.


A firmer to medium texture.

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Chum salmon, also known as keta salmon, occupies a unique position in the seafood world with its distinct characteristics that set it apart from other salmon species. Notably lower in fat compared to its cousins like king and coho salmon, chum salmon presents a lighter, more delicate flavor profile. This makes it a versatile choice for those who prefer a milder taste. The flesh of chum salmon is typically pale in color, ranging from a soft pink to a light orange hue, which reflects its leaner nature.

The texture of chum salmon is less oily and more firm compared to richer salmon varieties, offering a different culinary experience. This firmer texture makes it particularly well-suited for smoking and canning, processes that complement its leaner composition. When cooked, the flesh of chum salmon maintains its firmness, providing a satisfying bite that is both tender and flaky. It’s less prone to falling apart, making it a good candidate for grilling, baking, and even poaching.

In terms of size, chum salmon fillets tend to be moderately sized, making them suitable for individual servings. The fillet size, combined with the fish’s more subtle flavor, allows for a wide range of culinary applications. Its milder taste provides a perfect backdrop for a variety of seasonings and sauces, making it a favorite among chefs who enjoy experimenting with different flavor combinations.

Chum salmon, due to its lower fat content and firmer texture, is often considered a more economical choice in the salmon family. It’s especially popular in regions where it’s locally sourced, providing an accessible option for salmon lovers. Whether it’s featured in traditional smoked preparations, incorporated into hearty soups and stews, or simply grilled with a sprinkle of herbs and spices, chum salmon’s unique qualities make it a distinctive and valuable seafood choice.

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