Great Alaskan Fish & Seafood Co.

Dungeness Crab


Bright orange legs with white flesh.


A delicious sweet crab.


Tender and flaky. While not as large as king crab, we prefer dungies ourselves.

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Dungeness crab, a highly esteemed delicacy in the seafood world, stands out for several unique characteristics that make it a preferred choice over other crab species, regardless of size. Originating from the West Coast of North America, Dungeness crab is renowned for its sweet, mildly briny flavor that is often considered superior to other varieties of crab. This distinct taste is a key factor in its widespread popularity, offering a depth of flavor that is both refined and subtly complex.

The meat of Dungeness crab is another of its prized features. It is tender, flaky, and succulent, providing a texture that is both satisfying and luxurious. This quality of the meat makes it highly versatile in culinary applications, suitable for everything from simple steamed preparations to more elaborate dishes. The meat’s exceptional flavor and texture stand out even with minimal seasoning, allowing its natural taste to be the highlight of the dish.

In addition to its flavor and texture, the Dungeness crab is appreciated for its relatively large size, which provides generous portions of meat. The body and legs yield substantial amounts, making it a rewarding choice for both chefs and diners. While other crab species may be larger or have different attributes, the combination of size, flavor, and texture in Dungeness crab is often seen as the ideal balance, making it a more desirable option.

The Dungeness crab’s culinary versatility is another reason for its preference. It is a celebrated ingredient in a wide range of dishes, from classic crab cakes and bisques to more innovative culinary creations. Its ability to pair well with various ingredients and cooking styles enhances its appeal, ensuring that it remains a favorite in both home kitchens and upscale restaurants.

Overall, the preference for Dungeness crab over other species is rooted in its unmatched flavor profile, tender and flaky meat, satisfying size, and culinary versatility. These characteristics combine to make Dungeness crab not just a seafood product but a gourmet experience, sought after for its exceptional quality and taste.

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